Costa Verde International school is not a language school, but rather an academic program taught in two languages. To effectively access content, students from 3rd through 9th grade are expected to be proficient in both languages. Student language level is assessed as part of the application process. For more information please make sure you read our Language Requirements section below.

Acceptance to the school is based on applications, evaluation of school records and teacher feedback, and interviews. See below the Enrollment Process Section.

The CVIS Scholarship Program is designed to provide access to local children who are in need of financial assistance, thereby creating a diverse economic population. There are several levels of scholarships ranging from 10% to full scholarship deduction of tuition. We are able to offer these scholarships only because of the generous donations from local humanitarians, foundations, and businesses.  It is important to know that our scholarship program is for local scholars and is not available for families from outside of Mexico.

TUITION INFORMATION (document download):

in English

en Español


TBD for 2023. Scholarships are for Mexican Nationals only.


All incoming K1 through 2nd grade students will be admitted at any language level and will not undergo language assessment as a condition of enrollment. / Todos los estudiantes entrantes de K1 a segundo grado serán admitidos en cualquier nivel de idioma y no se someterán a una evaluación de idioma como condición de inscripción.

All incoming 3rd through 6th grade students must pass the Interpretive Listening section in their second language of the AAPPL at Intermediate Low (I-1) or above for admission. Admission will not be approved until this standard has been met / Todos los estudiantes entrantes de 3 ° a 6 ° grado deben pasar la sección de Escucha Interpretativa en su segundo idioma de AAPPL en Intermediate Low (I-1) o superior para la admisión. La admisión no será aprobada hasta que se cumpla este estándar.

All incoming 7th-9th grade students must pass Interpersonal Speaking and Listening of the AAPPL in their second language at intermediate-Mid (I-4) or above for admission. Admission will not be approved until this standard has been met. / Todos los estudiantes entrantes de 7º a 9º grado deben aprobar el Interpersonal Speaking and Listening of the AAPPL en su segundo idioma en intermedio-medio (I-4) o superior para la admisión. La admisión no será aprobada hasta que se cumpla este estándar.


Enrollment for new students begin March 3rd, 2024. / La inscripción para nuevos estudiantes comienza el 3 de marzo de 2024.

If you wish to be put on the waiting list you may apply now and submit a payment of $100 USD, Please know that this does not guarantee admission. Students placed on the waiting list will be processed on March 3rd. / Si desea ser incluido en la lista de espera, puede presentar una solicitud ahora y enviar un pago de $ 100 USD. Tenga en cuenta que esto no garantiza la admisión. Los estudiantes colocados en la lista de espera serán procesados el 3 de marzo.

The process includes an administrative conference with parents, contact with student’s previous school, academic and behavioral record review, and language assessment as pertinent. / El proceso incluye una conferencia administrativa con los padres, contacto con la escuela anterior, revisión de registros académicos y de comportamiento del estudiante y evaluación del idioma según corresponda.

The application process is rigorous and does not ensure enrollment / El proceso de solicitud es riguroso y no garantiza la inscripción.

Open enrollments for families who decide to not pay to be added to the waiting list will be available upon availability starting March 3rd until classroom is full / Las inscripciones abiertas para las familias que deciden no pagar para ser agregadas a la lista de espera estarán disponibles a partir del 3 de marzo hasta que el aula esté llena.

The Costa Verde application process is initiated by filling out the pre-enrollment form (Download the pre-enrollment form)  and emailing it to / El proceso de solicitud de Costa Verde se inicia completando el formulario de preinscripción (descargue el formulario de preinscripción) y envíelo por correo electrónico a

All incoming student applications must include: / Todas las solicitudes de estudiantes entrantes deben incluir::

*2023/24 academic records / Registros académicos 2022/23
*2023/24 behavioral records (or a letter from the previous teacher, director/principal or counselor stating the student does not have a behavior record) / Registros de comportamiento 2020/21 (o una carta del maestro anterior, director / director o consejero indicando que el estudiante no tiene un registro de comportamiento)
*A letter of recommendation from either the *2023/24 teacher or Director/Principal / Una carta de recomendación del maestro *2023/24 o del Director / Director
*Passing AAPPL results for (3rd-9th grade students only)/ Aprobar los resultados de AAPPL para (solo estudiantes de 3º a 9º grado)

Questions about admissions, tuition and fees: /  Preguntas sobre admisiones, matrícula y tarifas: