Extended Learning Modules (ELM)
Program for electives and independent Studies


  • Enrich existing core subject offerings

  • Provide remediation and support for English and Spanish second language students

  • Provide diversity and flexibility in selecting and designing extension or enrichment courses

  • Provide class credit for extracurricular programs and courses

  • Allow students to get class credit for travel experiences or take summer courses

  • Encourage students to pursue athletic and artistic endeavors

  • Allow students the opportunity to demonstrate competency through project based evaluation and authentic assessments.



  • At the beginning of the year students choose or are assigned an ELM mentor teacher (MT). That MT is responsible for refining or approving course proposals, overseeing and facilitating the student’s progress, and verifying completion of the course objectives and assessment/s.

  • Each bimester students select an existing  ELM course or design a course following the proposal outline. Students will have 1 bimester  (8 weeks) in order to complete the reflective journal and course assessment/s. If the course is not completed within the designated period, the student will receive an incomplete grade until the course is completed to the satisfaction of the MT. Summer course work may be necessary for incomplete courses.

  • Students who are already engaged in extracurricular sports, artistic courses, and academic classes or courses may design their ELM course based on the learning objectives of that course.

  • Students may also create their own courses based on other existing extension programs such as EdX, Coursera or Open2Study (extra fees may apply)

  • Students may design a course of study around; a specific historic period or event, a novel, author, or literary genre, a scientific hypothesis or theory, a community service project, a job or internship that a student is doing, or a place, exhibit or site that a student is visiting or planning to visit.

  • Students may design and take a course with a small group of peers.

  • Visiting “Experts” may periodically offer EIS course opportunities. (extra fees may apply)

  • Teachers or parents may sponsor or support a “team” sport or activity that may be integrated into an EIS course (extra fees may apply)

  • Each academic year every student must complete at least one Physical Education and one Artistic ELM course.

  • Each school day includes one hour at the end of each day that is structured for ELM work. That time available for assistance or study in their ELM course or for extra help in other core classes. Students must meet with their MT at least once a week during that time to have their assignments reviewed or authorized.

  • Students taking summer ELM courses may be in regular contact with their MT through email or other arranged correspondence.

  • Students that are failing or in danger of failing ANY class may be required to take a remedial supplementary ELM course, will not be approved for early dismissal, and must remain at school to work with the teacher/s of that class.